Friday, August 8, 2008

Gaming chair

There are lots of gaming chairs that have speakers and a subwoofer, which are nice and have been done to perfection, but Gyroxus' gaming chair is a GAMING CHAIR. It's akin to the types of rigs one sees in arcades that jiggles people like crazy in sync with whatever racing, flying or shooting game you've just thrown four quarters into.

The Gyroxus works with Xbox 360, Windows, PS3, PS2 and "Nintendo", but neither of the two ordering options list any Nintendo compatibility. If the video after the jump is correct, all it does is lean forward, back, left or right depending on which way you move the center stick. Not only does this seem not all that comfortable, it'd be kind of a pain playing titles like Gears of War 2 on this thing. But racing games, on the other hand, could be phenomenal.
Though, this gaming chair originally sold for $489. If you’ve had your eye on one of these now might be the time as Gyroxus price was cut significantly to $389 recently..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have had a bad back ache from gaming for ages now and recently bought the pyramat from prezzy box. its brilliant, has great bass and its compatible with my 360! no more bad back now! haha